Did you know that nearly 2,500 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in the District of Columbia are estimated to be living with a caregiver over the age of 60? Did you know that fewer than half of families have typically made any plans for what happens when the caregiver is no longer able to provide support for their family member?
All of us need to make a plan for what happens when we get older, and all of us struggle to think about it. But for families of people with IDD, it’s even more important that you make a plan to help make the transition to different supports as smooth as possible for your family member.
People don’t plan for a lot of reasons. Good reasons. Maybe they don’t have a lot and don’t think there will be much to deal with? Maybe they think it will cost a lot of money to make a plan? Maybe they worry that there aren’t a lot of options, or they don’t know what the options will be in the future, and they don’t want to make a mistake? Maybe they worry that it will create disagreements in their family? Maybe they just don’t know how to start and it’s too hard to think about? Whatever the reason, it’s important to start a conversation and try to deal with the fears and the questions as soon as you can.
Quality Trust is excited to share that we are participating in an important project that is working to share information and create resources to help families in DC get started planning for the future. The Bridging Aging and Disability project is led by the DC Developmental Disabilities Council, with participation from many other groups, including Quality Trust, DC Department on Disability Services, DC Department on Aging and Community Living, Disability Rights DC, Georgetown University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, RCM of Washington, and Project ACTION!
We are hosting a “Lunch and Learn” training series during August to provide introductory information on future planning. The sessions will be held from 12:00 to 1:15 p.m. on Tuesdays:
· August 1 – An Overview of Disability and Aging Services in DC
· August 8 – Financial Options to Plan for the Future
· August 15 – Decision-Making Options to Plan for the Future
The sessions will be available on Zoom with in-person viewing locations at the Vida Senior Center (1842 Calvert St, NW) and Asia and Pacific Islander Senior Center (899 O St, NW, located in the Cambria Hotel). To participate in one or more sessions, please register here.
While we hope to learn more about the needs of families in DC and bring families more information and resources over the next several months and several years, we hope you’ll join us to start the conversation this August!
Quality Trust is hosting our “Summer Breeze Gala” on Sunday, August 27, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, and we hope you will join us.