September 20, 2017

Alternatives to Guardianship

Jessica Bronson joined Quality Trust in April 2017 as the new staff attorney under its Jenny Hatch Justice Project (JHJP). She previously worked at George Washington University Law School, where she provided legal assistance to seniors and people with disabilities to help them access affordable health insurance and medical treatment. As QT’s JHJP staff attorney, Jessica will work with people with disabilities and families who are interested in exploring less restrictive alternatives to guardianship, such as supported decision-making, powers of attorney and advance directives.To view resources, please click here.

JHJP provides free legal assistance to low-income D.C. residents with disabilities who would like to know more about their Right to Make Choices or who face unnecessary guardianship. Additionally, it provides free training to providers, schools, advocacy groups, and other community stakeholders on the topics of guardianship and less restrictive alternatives. If you would like to receive more information or request assistance, please contact Jessica at 202-448-1448 or

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